Photo by Tom Mayhew, courtesy ARS
2011 - 2013
Oklahoma Garden Clubs Inc.
Donna Marsheck
"Communities Blossom with OK Gardeners"
GARDENERS CREED Dear Father of all sowers and reapers, Grant that we meet each time
in the spirit of kindness, fellowship and brotherly love. Let our words be sincere, our vision wide and our aims unified.
May we lose self in the love of beauty, service and sharing. Let us give sincere praise for honest effort, reward
accomplishments and serve with open mind, ever ready to seek the best. Endow each with a smile and a kind word, with friendliness
and good will. Bequeath us, O Lord, the will to think, decide, act and achieve, and O Lord, let not one in the group forget
his Creator, We know thou art God.
Mrs. E.E. Halley
Edmond, OK
Eastern Black Swallowtail Butterfly on Echinacea |

Cone Flower - Oklahoma native species |
The object of this corporation is to operate on a non-profit basis and solely for scientific,
educational, benevolent and charitable purposes conductive to the well being of the State and useful to the communities represented
and: To Advance the art and science of growing plants, designing with plant materials, landscape design, civic beautification,
and conservation of natural resources. and: To cooperate with other agencies in futhering the interest of conservation,
civic beautification and environmental concerns. and: To coordinate the interest of the garden clubs of the State
of Oklahoma in order to bring them into a closer relationship of mutual helpfulness by association, conference , and correspondence.
The Seal of Oklahoma Garden Clubs, Inc. |
The Seal of Oklahoma Garden Clubs, Inc. Combines the Mistletoe, the state floral emblem,
with the Redbud, state tree. It was first designed by Mrs. James H. Gardner, member of the Tulsa Garden Club, when the organization
was the Oklahoma Association of Garden Clubs. The lettering was done by Caroline Stottler, University of Tulsa art student,
under the supervision of Dr. Adah M. Robinson, University of Tulsa. In 1954 The Association was incorporated, Robert Rucker
of Norman, landscape design architect, University of Oklahoma, re-lettered the words so that it now reads : Oklahoma Garden
Clubs, Inc.
Oklahoma Garden Clubs Inc. is a member of National Garden Clubs, Inc.
NGC Inc. President
Shirley S. Nicolai
Theme: "Proudly Serving our Members and Communities"
What is National Garden Clubs, Inc.? NGC, Inc. is a not-for-profit, tax-exempt educational
organization headquartered in St. Louis, MO. It is composed of 50 State Garden Clubs and the National Capital Area Federation
of Garden Clubs. In addition, NGC includes 447 International Affiliate groups, ranging from Canada to Mexico, Central and
South America; from Bermuda to South Africa; Europe; Australia to Japan. Within the United States, NGC, Inc. includes 49 National
Affiliate groups.
There are 6,218 clubs - 198,595 members
resources, and national networking opportunities for its members to promote the love of gardening, floral design, and civic
and environmental responsibility.
2011 - 2013
South Central Region Director
Judy Grotts
"Share What You Grow - Share What You Know"
BIG BLUESTEM, Turkey foot -andropogon gerardii |

The tallest North American Tall Grass Prarie Grass |
This was taken in the Fall. Native from central Mexico to Canada.
Leaves are green or blue-green in summer, reliably turning rich orange and copper in autumn, sometimes with deep burgundy
tints. Terminal inflorescences appear in late August or early September, opening red and turning darker with age, three-parted
and vaguely resembling an upside-down turkey foot.