Clubs who pay dues to Oklahoma Garden Clubs, Inc., enjoy many privileges such as:
1. Eligibility to participate in State and National Awards.
2. On request, the club receives help on any phase of work through correspondence or conference.
3. Eligibility to have voting delegates at State Conventions.
4. Members are eligible for accrediting as National Flower Show Judges and Landscape Design Critics and National Garden
Club Environmental Consulstants. Flower Show Judges are eligible to join State Judges Council.
5. Cooperation of other garden clubs with like interests.
6. Members are eligible to hold office on district and state levels.
7. Identifies your club with the larger movement for civic, state and national garden club work, and gives it a part
in it.
8. Affords opportunity to hear outstanding speakers in many fields, including flower arrangers, horticulturists, conservationists,
environmentalists, etc.
Any club beloging to Oklahoma Garden Clubs, Inc., automatically becomes a member of the National Garden Clubs, Inc.,
with many additional privileges, such as:
1. Buying books and other garden items at discount prices.
2. Club Presidents receive FREE copy of The National Gardener, filled with current information relating to garden work.
TEXAS BLUEBONNET (lupinus texensis) |
Intoxicatingly fragrant -native to Texas - state flower |