OK Environmental Consultants Council
The environmental mission of NGC is to review environmental problems and their possible solutions, to promote environmental
literacy and to advocate sound environmental stewardship.
adopted 1992

Officers 2009 - 2011
Cooper - President
Linda Lawson - Vice President Judy Grotts -
Treasurer Clara Bishop - Secretary Mardi McKenzie Parliamentarian
Congratulations to our newest NGC Inc Environmental Consultants: Pat Neasbitt, Sandy Alexander, Ardmore, Jeannie
Fehr, Sulphur, Linda Oldham, Dina Atnip, Lois Deasy, Marlow who completed all courses at the April 30, 2010 Marlow School
The next meeting of the Environmental Council will be at the next state convention - Norman, OK , Wednesday
March 9th at 11:00
The Living Earth Environmental Studies School
A National Garden Clubs, Inc. program provided byOklahoma Garden
Clubs Inc.
THE LIVING EARTH is composed of a minimum of forty hours of study of specific units divided
into four courses of 10 hours each that includes a two-hour Field Trip.
The courses investigate AIR, LAND, and WATER
Environmental Studies Schools are open to everyone, whether or not they are garden club
Many couples enjoy attending the schools.
Members of NGC, Inc may take the exams to be an Environmental Consultant and may become
members of the 'Environmental Consultants' Council in his/her home state.
With 1907 barn |

On field trip to centennial farm |

Field Trip Rose Rock Hunt |

Hanging out at Lake - 4/30/2010 |

Linda Oldham and Kathye Malcom |

Jean Carriker, teaching class |
MarlowEnvironmental Studies School Participtants |

On Top of the World (Mt Scott) Field Trip |
Seated in front, Nan Lacy, Madill, Elizabeth Lewis, Optima,Caroline Graysneck, Ardmore Bettie
Cooper, Marlow,Marilyn Lahr, Choctaw, Elsie Johnson, Ardmore, Clara Bishop, Ok City
across back - Charlene Wells, Bartlesville, Donnie Murray, Ok City, Marilyn Anderson, Marlow, Jean Carriker,
Ardmore, Arline Guthary, Ardmore, Linda Lawson, Norman, Donna Marsheck, Bartlesville, Jim Smith, Shawnee
Not pictured Judy Grotts - OGC Inc President |
Randy Hale |

Randy Hale conducted bus tour at Wichita Mts. Wildlife Refuge |
Ina Brundrett, Judy Grotts, Linda Whetsell |
Ina Brundrett and Linda Whetsell, SCR Director were instructors at the school |
Chris Pittman - gave class on Earth Stewardship |
Goddard Youth Camp - ESS - Ardmore 2009 |

Digging for Dinosaur bones |
At Goddard Camp |

Native America exhibit |
Env Studies School Ardmore February 2009 |
