Division I - Grades 1,2,3 Division II - Grades 4,5,6 Division III - Grades 7,8,9 Division IV - Handicapped
Division V - Senior Citizens
1. Poster Title changes yearly
2. Poster must be 12x18 inches
3. The design may be painted, water colored or crayoned, cut-out pictures of construction paper, or black and white
4. Poster must be the work of the contestant.
5. All contestants must be sponsored by a member Garden
6. On Back of poster place: Name, street, town, grade, school, parents's name, Garden Club sponsor, & District.
Story Told - 60 points Originalty - 20 points Neatness - 10 points Craftsmanship
- 10 points Total Points 100
State Awards: Division I,II,III: 1st $10., 2nd $7. 3rd - $5. Division IV,
V: Certificates only
Deadline: February 1 - Winning Posters are to be mailed to State Conservation Chairman after
District Jucging