Division I - Grades 1,2,3 Division II - Grades 4,5,6 Division III - Grades 7,8,9 Division IV - Handicapped
Division V - Senior Citizens
RULES 1. Poster Title changes yearly
2. Poster must be 12x18 inches
Only one poster from each division may be entered.
4. The design may be painted, water colored or crayoned, cut-out
pictures of construction paper, or black and white drawing.
5. Poster must be the work of the contestant.
All contestants must be sponsored by a member Garden Club.
7. On Back of poster place: Name, street, town, grade,
school, parents's name, Garden Club sponsor, & District.
Story Told - 60 points Originalty
- 20 points Neatness - 10 points Craftsmanship - 10 points Total Points 100
State Awards:
I,II,III: 1st $10., 2nd $7. 3rd - $5. Division IV, V: Certificates only
Deadline: December 1 To State- Posters
should be mailed to State Litter and Pollution Chairman Immediately after District judging.