LENGTH: Between 500-600 words. The entry will be penalized if the essay does not conform to the required length.
Students should write the essay so it is suitable to be published in the NGC publication, The National Gardener.
1. The contestant must be sponsored by a federated Garden Club or Council.
All entries become the property of National Garden Clubs, Inc.
2. Cover sheet should have: Essay title, students' name, address, city, population of city, sponsoring garden club,
number of members in sponsoring garden club, name of sponsoring clubs's president, address, phone number, date current dues
were paid by the club, district, state federation.
Content - 65
Knowledge of subject - 25
Subject matter well organized - 15
Practicality of proposal - 10
Originality - 15
Composition - 25
Vocabulary- 15
Conformance to length - 10
Manuscript - 10
Wallet size photo, name, address, phone number, school attending, list of activities and sponsoring club - 5
Neatness, legibility - 5
(a plastic folder keeps manuscript neat)
Total Points 100
AWARDS: 1st - $100. 2nd - $50. 3rd - $25 (as merited)
DEADLINE: Essay must be judged on a District level. Winner sent to State Youth Activities Chairman by December 1.
After state judging, winners of Speech and Essay Contests will be sent on to South Central Region and National Garden
Clubs, Inc. Contest.