For more details on each award -check SCR COMMUNICATOR vol 17 #3 Fall 2005
Contest # Adult clubs Contests $ award Description
#1 Arbor Day $25.00 Arbor day observed
#2 Birds $25.00 Bird promotion
#3 Civic Development $25.00 City landscape project
#4 Club Program $25.00 Single club with most outstanding single program by member
#5 Club Yearbook Theme $25.00 Single club-Creative use of Theme for programs (yearbook)
#6 Communications $25.00 Single club Best promotion of Garden Club movement
#7 Community Concern $25.00 Single club for project for nursing homes,ret homes, hosp (etc)
#8A Flower Show Schedule $25.00 Single club - well prepared Flower show schedule
#8B Flower Show Schedule $25.00 Group of clubs - well prepared Flower show schedule
#9 Flower Show Staging $25.00 Single or group-promote new ideas for staging
#10 Garden Therapy-Geriatrics $25.00 Single club-Best work in geriatic garden therapy
#11A Historic Preservation $25.00 Single club-Holiday decorations for historical house/mansion
#11B Historic Preseravation $25.00 Indiv member-Dedication to reclaiming/preserving historic sites
#12 Landscape Design $25.00 Single Club for beautification of public or private grounds
#13 Landscape design Plaque (one year State of SCR sponsoring outstanding activity in Landscape design
#14 Litter Control $25.00 Single club or group of clubs for best anti-littering project stressing community
#15 Member ship award Single club in each state with the greatest percentage of new members
#16 National Garden Week $25.00 Best promotion of National Garden Week
#17 Novice Floral Design $25.00 Best Novice Design in a novice section of standard Flower Show
#18 Radio & TV $25.00 Single club for producing the best Radio,TV or Cable GC program
#19 Sweepstakes award $25.00 Single adult club winning the highest number of points for Awards
#20 Church Gardens $30.00 Individual, single club or group of clubs planting of Church garden
#21 World Gardening $25.00 Single club-contribute to NGC project or contribute directly to an internat affiliate
#22 Youth Program $50 Single club- meeting challenge of youth. (environmental meetings, etc.
#23 Essay Contest sponsor $25 Adult club sponsoring the winner of The SCR Youth Essay Contest
#24 Speech contest sponsor $25 Adult club sponsoring the winner of the SCR Youth Speech Contest
#25 Publication award $25 Best publication, bulletin, cookbook, manual, handbook, history etc.
SCR Awards Guidelines (2005)
If a book of Evidence is required on Region and NGC levels, a separate book of Evidence must be entered in
each contest due to deadline differences
Only federated clubs, members of federated clubs and groups of federated clubs in good standing are
eligible to apply for sponsored awards
January 1st through December 31 of the same year constitutes an Award Year. Two Year Awards cover
24 consecutive months beginning January 1st.
ADULT REGION AWARD entries are submitted to SCR Awards Chairman by February 1st
Unified Project Award entries are submitted by November 1, 2006.
Beacause of NGC progression, the deadlines are STATE: Jan 25 - REGION: Feb 23 -National Mar 23.
Youth Contests go to the appropriate Region Chairman for NGC progression deadlines.
Club project entries must include some work during the current Awards Year. A penalty of 5 points will be
applied to contunuing projects that won 1st place the preceding year in the same category.
1 Label on outside cover Number and name of award, category, name of club. City and state.
2 Presentation Not to exceed 10 pages (5 front and back). The 10 pages may be enclosed
in 5 plastic sheet protectors, pages back to back.
NGC requirement is 12 pages (6 front and back)
Material must be attached to pages; no loose materials. Use 8 1/2"x11"
paper and enclose in report cover or 2 pocket folder; no scrapbooks or
oversize books. Exceptions noted.
3 First page Top of first page include number and name of SCR (NGC) award, name of
club, number of members on whom SCR (NGC) and state dues are paid
(regular, honorary, life and associate.)
4 Written text Concise; covers all requirements in award descriptions and scale of
points for Achievement, Participation and Record.
5 Record Photocopies are permitted; yearbook pages are not needed as documentation
6 NO Table of Contents No summary is needed as it appears on the NGC Awards Application Form.
Both Region and NGC use the same application form.
7 Same project When the same project is eligible for various awards, submitting exact
duplication of book of evidence is not acceptable.
Enclose adequate POSTAGE stamps to return entry to club if entry cannot be picked-up at the next Regional
Convention. Unsued postage will be returned.
Only 1st place winning entries scoring 90 points or more will receive cash awards, unless otherwise stated in the
award requirements. Certificates may be awarded to other winning entries.
Sweepstakes Winner will be determined on values of three (3) points for 1st, two (2) points for 2nd, one (1) point for
Sweepstakes Winner must have at least one 1st place to receive Award.